Work with our career counselors to evaluate your current circumstances and help you decide which pathway will work best for you.
Study for and get a high school diploma, GED, or any other certificate or degree you are willing to work for.
Make a commitment to the career path you want to begin with.
Keep working even when it gets hard.
Take it one step at a time, but even if you get scared, don’t stop! Celebrate your success when you reach each of your goals!
Test Prep
This part of our program is the most intense and action packed!
We decide together which is the first test you need to pass.
We have a very structured program that most students enjoy working with, because they realize success at every step along the way.
You will pass one test at a time, until you are either caught up to where you should be, or until you have reached you final testing goal as an adult.
We guarantee you; FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!
Academic Tutoring
We believe students only learn if they are actually doing the work.
We provide the materials and clear instructions. We expect you to ask if you don’t understand.
The tutoring piece of our program is limited to building basic academic skills and test preparation for certain standardized tests.
Our instructions, materials and procedures are individualized based on your situation. We develop your personal plan after our first meeting and change it as you make progress.
We do not stop until you have reached your final goal.
college/career guidance
Our College/Career section is based on your current situation and your individual skills, interests, talents.
We will work with you to find the path that will take you to your dream job.
It will not be easy for you, but we will make sure it is designed for you.
- Exploring your dreams and choosing you dream job.
- Planning what you need to do to get there.
- Education, if it is required. Not all great careers require college.
- Academic skill building
- Testing
- Financial Aid
- All needs of your current life, and how you will meet them and go to school at the same time, if that is the path you choose.